About Me

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My husband and I, the Dynamic Duo, have been married since 2003. We've weathered the storm of chronic disease (diagnosis 2006), infertility (diagnosis 2007), turning 30 (2006/2007 respectively) a first adoption (2009) of a tender hearted, compassionate Ukrainian BIG boy (born 2006), who has told us he'd like a baby sister, baby brother, big brother, and REALLY big sister. We recently completed our second Ukrainian adoption journey, which brought us a daughter (born 2005). We'll see what else God brings our way!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

He's Shaving Already!

Left: We finally got enough snow to use a sled, which Eli loved. Right: After a haircut. Doesn't he look so happy?

We got him a kit with a rubber shaver and some bath soap shaving cream...just like Papa.

Some fun recent updates...Eli went to the dentist and has NO cavities. The hygenist kept complimenting him. She said "Why can't all my children be this cooperative?!"

We've had discussions with the school district about getting him in to speech. I'm not sure if there's a waiting list, but hopefully we can get him in for the rest of the year and take a break over the summer. I decided not to place him in preschool this year. We have enough activities for now! So next year we'll enroll him in the preschool at our church (I think we're still deciding in this). P.S. His newest phrase is "cheezy curls coming!" from the movie "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything"
I can tell he's growing...his 4t stuff is starting to look a little short. Geez...would you stop growing already?!?!

And he's really coming out of his shell and gaining confidence. He's no longer afraid of everything, and LOVES balloons. Woohoo! I was told last night at AWANA that he's not very shy ;) Yesssss!

I can also tell that his comprehension is pretty much there. Up til about a month ago, I was questioning whether or not he understands me. He'd look at me with this blank stare, like he was trying to understand but couldn't. Now, I have no doubts that he understands pretty much everything.
On the fertility front, God has been so good to me. He used my great Aunt to give me a different perspective. Perhaps, instead of being the worst parent in the world, God recognizes that Dave and I are great parents to the orphaned. I know many women who would open their homes to an orphan, but not many men. And not only do I have a husband who opened his home to an orphan, but loves him without reservation. You should see those two. When he's giving Eli a bath, all I hear is crazy laughter. It's so beautiful! Someone told me "If I didn't know Eli was adopted, I wouldn't know Eli was adopted." And God has blessed me with the opportunity to hold babies during BSF while mom's attend a Bible study. And I feel so fulfilled by those two hours of loving on babies that I don't feel like I'm missing anything. As I'm dying to my selfish desires, God is filling me with a new life, a life that surpasses anything I could have wanted.

1 comment:

adoptedthree said...

I always say that the reason God made me infertile was because he knew I had a greater purpose- adopt kids! You are right it takes a special husband to fit into adoption but I love knowing my husband was picked for me just for this reason!