About Me

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My husband and I, the Dynamic Duo, have been married since 2003. We've weathered the storm of chronic disease (diagnosis 2006), infertility (diagnosis 2007), turning 30 (2006/2007 respectively) a first adoption (2009) of a tender hearted, compassionate Ukrainian BIG boy (born 2006), who has told us he'd like a baby sister, baby brother, big brother, and REALLY big sister. We recently completed our second Ukrainian adoption journey, which brought us a daughter (born 2005). We'll see what else God brings our way!

Monday, August 30, 2010

More exciting news!

We got our dossier submission date...April 14th! That's two years and one day of being Eli's mom :) We can plan on traveling a few months later. I'm still bummed we aren't getting another spring in Ukraine, but I guess the summer will be fine. I'm going to start praying now that the summer isn't as hot as it was this past summer! They had record heat waves (BOOO!!!) And since I don't like heat, and Ukranian's don't have air conditioning, fans, or open windows, I would be miserable. But whatever works! I just want to get over there to get my girl (and boy!).


Conethia and Jim Bob said...

It's eerie how timing works out! Who knows, by then you may be getting appt. dates within weeks of your submission date. Praying for your upcoming trip.

The McEacherns said...

I think we'll be right behind you, as we should be sending our stuff to get registered in Ukraine in a couple weeks!