About Me

My photo
My husband and I, the Dynamic Duo, have been married since 2003. We've weathered the storm of chronic disease (diagnosis 2006), infertility (diagnosis 2007), turning 30 (2006/2007 respectively) a first adoption (2009) of a tender hearted, compassionate Ukrainian BIG boy (born 2006), who has told us he'd like a baby sister, baby brother, big brother, and REALLY big sister. We recently completed our second Ukrainian adoption journey, which brought us a daughter (born 2005). We'll see what else God brings our way!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Vacation

Sorry about the lack of updates this week.  The kids are in Buffalo and I've  been busy!  What have I been doing, you ask?

Spring cleaning the house, reorganizing the kids' rooms, eating ice cream and waffles for dinner, getting things together for our trip to Georgia next week, sleeping in, watching movies, going TO the movie theater,

Getting my toes painted:

And my hair darkened:

And the week isn't over yet!

1 comment:

steph said...

cute toes and your hair looks great!!