About Me

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My husband and I, the Dynamic Duo, have been married since 2003. We've weathered the storm of chronic disease (diagnosis 2006), infertility (diagnosis 2007), turning 30 (2006/2007 respectively) a first adoption (2009) of a tender hearted, compassionate Ukrainian BIG boy (born 2006), who has told us he'd like a baby sister, baby brother, big brother, and REALLY big sister. We recently completed our second Ukrainian adoption journey, which brought us a daughter (born 2005). We'll see what else God brings our way!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Quick Eli-ism Russian Style

Eli hasn't been teaching Amelia English, she's been teaching him Russian!  He regularly says peeska, poopka, toilette, preeviette  (hello), and paca (bye).

Tonight at dinner Papa was being silly and saying "NO!" in a really loud voice.  Amelia would say "esha" (Again!).  And Eli said "Esha!  Papa, I'm speaking English!"  

Papa:  No, Eli, you're speaking Russian.

A few minutes later...

Eli:  I need to peeska.  Momma, I'm speaking Russian!

Oh, my, was it cute.

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